Ok, I've decided to give this a try.
I'm not sure how long this post will be because I only have a few minutes before baby Nathan wakes up and demands more attention. I will only be watching him 2 more days and then it's back to being a full-time mom just for Hannah. I will miss Nathan, but I am looking forward to having all of my days back to focus on Hannah.
I plan to start doing some "school" time with her every day. She is showing signs that she is ready for some "formal education". Last night, out of nowhere, she was counting, and made it all the way to 20! I didn't even know she could. I guess all that Elmo is paying off.LOL! Maybe I should sit down with her and show her what the numbers look like. She also knows the alphabet with few mistakes, but can't recognize the letters yet. She knows most of her colors and a few shapes. I just know she will amaze me if I actually sit down and teach her every day.
I can't believe she's growing up so fast. She amazes us everyday. Her vocabulary is going through the roof and she has a great sense of humor. When you ask her what her name is, she can say "Hannah Banana" and "Hannah Rose Clearfield". She has a lot of Clearfield pride because she always shouts her last name.
I have cut out cursing but she still imitates me in ways I wish she wouldn't. I got angry a while back and said "crap" really loud. She walked around saying it the rest of the night. D'Oh! She also thinks it's hilarious to tell Jimbo to "HUSH!".
She is getting really good at splitting me and Dan. She knows to wait a while after I tell her no and then move on to Daddy and ask again. Good thing we communicate well. We will have our hands full in a few years (not that we don't already).
Well, the little one is awake so I'm off.