Saturday, November 22, 2008

Haven't come as far as we thought...

Our newest addition will not be arriving until July. My official due date is July 6, 2009. We are hoping for a July 7 arrival, but will be thrilled with any day this little one decides to appear. I warned the sonogram tech that I didn't think I was already 11 weeks. As soon as she put the machine on my belly, she was sure.."oh, no way you're 11wks." She estimated 7wks 4days. Hannah did the same thing. We thought we were going in at about 10wks and she was barely 5wks. So, it looks as though I have several more weeks of morning sickness to look forward, but I'm armed with a few doses of Zofran to get me by on the bad days.

I was only disappointing because we are too early to even see the arms and legs, but we saw a very healthy little heart and got to hear it. Hannah was looking at the screen and trying to see it. When the tech was moving the machine to get different measurement, Hannah was saying, "I can't see the baby". Dan had to take her outside for a while so I could speak to the Dr peacefully. All the talk of the baby had Hannah wanting to go get her babies. She took the keys from my purse and said "I be back. I go get my babies." Dan humored her for a while. She was really cute the whole time.

I love the Dr we chose. Turns out she has had two natural deliveries herself, so I know that she believes that women can do it and I don't feel she will pressure me into any unecessary interventions that I don't ask for. She was very receptive to my plans and didn't seem concerned about Hannah's delivery repeating itself. Although, she did reassure me about their protocol if it does happen again. I was very impressed with her and have a great feeling about this one. The best thing is that we will deliver at Doctors Hospital, right down the street from home. I plan to stay home as long as I can before moving to the hospital and cannot imagine doing that if I had to travel very far. She did the same thing with her deliveries and was very supportive of that plan. I hope this little one cooperates with me. I have 7 months to prepare!

As for the rest of the day, we had friends come in from out of town and we met them as COSI until 5pm. They had to leave to go work an overnight job and we kept their 5yo son with us. We had dinner at Red Robin (great for the kids) and then saw Madagascar 2 and he spent the night with us. It was such a good time. Both of the kids were very well behaved and we were so proud. It gave us a good preview of the joys of having children 3yrs apart. We had to deal with the usual, "she's touching me, she won't let me play with that, she's being too loud, she won't let me sit there, etc". Good times, but I think we can do it. We will be spending the day with them again until they have to head back out of town on their cross country tour.

I promise I will post pics soon. I'm just really not feeling like doing it right now. I'm needed in the living room anyway to referee.


Unknown said...

Glad to hear you're doing better, Jess. Hopefully, the pregnancy will go into "auto" mode soon.
Thanks for the blog update. Hearing about the adventures of Hannah always makes me smile.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the update Jess! I hope you start feeling better and have more energy soon. Just out of curiosity, why are you hoping for a July 7 delivery date instead of the 6th? Is it because then he/she would share his/her birthday with Uncle Jason?!

Jessica said...

July 7th is/was also my grandmother's birthday. It would be cool to share the day with her and Jason. Better than the 4th, although we could just tell kid that the fireworks are for him/her and save on a party. I'm sure by June, I'll be ready to deliver any day and waiting until July 7th will seem like torture.