Saturday, November 8, 2008


...for the lack of blogs lately. I have zero energy, I'm nauseated, and I'm doing my best to make myself do the things that have to be done. SO, I haven't felt like sitting down and downloading pictures (it takes longer than I think it should). Some time soon, I will update everyone with super cute Hannah pictures. She has been taken pictures with our camera and has taken some really good ones all by herself. We also had Halloween with friends (Hannah was Elmo) andHannah has been enjoying football season with Daddy (which gives me much needed little breaks here and there). These and more pictures will be coming as soon as I find the energy.

A cute story to pass the time: One night I went to a movie with friends (High School Musical 3 - I think we were the only women there without children) and left Hannah with a babysitter until Daddy got home. Well, while waiting for me to get home, Dan had one of the students staying with us do OMM on his neck. Hannah thought they should pay attention to her and as a form of protest she dumped out all of her baby powder on the couch in the living room, the green fabric couch, not the black leather one that would have been better for cleaning - luckily, Daddy had it cleaned up before I got home. Apparently, she threw a big fit and ran through the house screaming and throwing things around. The couch got the brunt of it, though.

Hannah is now fully immersed in the Terrible Twos. She asks for things by whining and if not given to her immediately, she throws herself on the floor in protest. It's been quite a power struggle between the two of us the past week or so. I have learned to not give her anything unless she asks like a "nice girl" and I NEVER give in to her fits. It's been fun! No wonder I'm so exhausted.

I was telling Dan that I don't remember being this tired when I was pregnant with Hannah, then I realized that I wasn't chasing a 2 year-old all day when I was pregnant with her. To make it worse, I have terrible insomnia and can't take any medicine that actually helps. I'm doing my best, but I'm sitting here wondering why humans insist on having multiple children. Do we forget what they put us through? I haven't forgotten because I'm still living it, so why I wanted another one right now, I haven't quite figured out. I guess that's why God gives us 9 months to prepare.


The Doctors Wife said...

The real miracle of child birth is that women have more than one.

The Christensens said...

Have you not tried Unisom? I take it with every pregnancy. Works good for me.

Ashli said...

I agree with Julie's comment. Don't worry though, it will get better in another month or so!

Jessica said...

I'm taking Unisom and it's not the miracle I had hoped for. I usually end up taking Unisom and Benadryl together, but it still takes a while for it work. Are "safe" meds still safe if you take a lot of them?

Unknown said...

As the Ilg and Ames books describe, Hannah appears to be in a state of "disequilibrium". Don't worry, Jess, this too will pass (until the next time). Three is a really cute age--then they turn 4 :)