Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Madeline Rose is here!

Mom was induced at 3am Monday morning. Her labor was slow to progress. She was only 4cm at 10pm, so they turned off the pitocin and let her get some rest over night. She dilated on her own overnight and was 10cm at 8am. She pushed for 1.5hrs with a little help from some pitocin in the end. Madeline was born at 9:25am central time. She weighed 7lbs 1oz and is 20inches long (with the cone head), so probably really 19inches. She has light blonde hair, just like her parents, even has blonde/white eye lashes and eye brows. Can't wait to meet her in person!

Yay! I'm a new aunt! I will post pictures as soon as I can figure out how to get them off of my phone or when I get come via e-mail.


Unknown said...

Congratulations Jess. Be sure to tell your brother and his girlfriend that we send our best to all of them.
(another "rose" huh?)

Anonymous said...

yay! Congratulations!

Mary said...
