Hannah and I just returned from a week long vacation to Texas and Arkansas. We flew to Dallas, stayed with my parents for one night, rented a car and drove to Hot Springs (with my mom) for a 4 night stay, then drove back to Fort Worth for another 2 nights with my parents. It was a fun trip. My brother's girlfriend had her baby shower on the 17th, so we used that as an excuse to go down and visit. My niece is due on Feb 19th and I had never met Mary (brother's girlfriend). She was lovely and we enjoyed staying with them. Her family through a great baby shower and it seems they have just about everything they need for the new arrival. They plan to name her Madeline and call her Maddy. Not sure on the middle name yet. I am super excited to meet her!
I also got to spend time with my sister while I was there. Brother and sister live 30 minutes from each other, but are currently not speaking - acting childish over a stupid fight. My family is never without drama. So, we had to split our time, but it was still fun. Hannah loved being spoiled. She didn't have to nap, got to eat all the junk she wanted, got new toys at EVERY store we went into, and stayed up late every night. Hannah stayed true to her picky sleeping ways and refused to nap in the car. I think she fell asleep for 20min during each car ride (over 7-8hrs in the car). She's such a stinker. She was very pleasant, though, especially for a 2yo who was sleep deprived. I was very proud of her.
On the plane ride back home yesterday, I got sick and vomited in the bathroom twice on the first leg and once in a plastic bag on the 2nd leg (the bathroom was occupied). Thankfully, Hannah was strapped in her car seat the whole time and it barely phased her that I left her alone to take care of business. It was extremely embarrassing to have to use a bag from my seat on the last flight. I just told our aisle mate that I was pregnant, not sick. She was very understanding. Then I continued to be sick on the way home and well into the night. Hannah kept telling me to "stop coughing, Mommy! Stop coughing!" I'm doing a little better today, just weak from not eating/drinking much. At least I can hold things down today. I guess I should never eat airport food again.
Other than that, we are getting back into our Columbus routine. We had nap time today and Hannah has enjoyed getting reacquainted with her toys we left behind. I can't wait to catch up with my group of friends here. I missed everyone so much. Hannah has talked about her friends the whole time. Can't wait for Sunday night and play group next week.
Also, BIG NEWS.....Hannah is officially weaned!!! YAY!! She hasn't even asked for over a week. Well, except for during Church on Sunday when she began yelling "milkies, milkies, milkies!" over and over. I just walked out to the foyer and calmed her down. She hasn't asked since. She was just NOT impressed with the service and thought that would distract her I guess. But, yeah, I have a big girl now! Only a few more months of a break before I start it all over again with another little one. At least I won't be nursing 2 at the same time. I know several women who do it, but I don't want to join them. Now, I can only hope and pray that Hannah doesn't revolt when the new baby starts to nurse. Not sure how I will handle that one. Nursing this long has pros and cons. I have enjoyed our nursing relationship very much, until the past few months. I will definitely miss it, but now she has started playing with my hair when we cuddle at bed time. Still super sweet and a great time to bond with my big girl.
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