Me: Why is my towel on the bathroom floor?
Dan: I needed to step out of the shower to get my razor and put it down so the floor wouldn't get too wet.
Me: Why didn't you use your towel?
Dan: I didn't know that one was yours.
Me: How did you not know that one was mine? Who's did you think it was?
Dan: I thought we used the same towel.
Me (annoyed): No, Dan, we don't use the same towel, that's why there are two hooks and two different towels at all times. The same reason I told you last week that we do not share a toothbrush. Two of something means one is yours and one is mine.
Dan (laughing and sarcastic): We don't use the same toothbrush? Wait, which one is yours?
(And yes, he was actually using my toothbrush for a while. Gross!)
And such is a day in the life of Jessica living with Dan, my first of 4 children. Who are the other 3 you ask? First was Dan, then he went out and got Jimbo even though the dog peed on his leg at the pound - he was still "the one" - yeah, that worked out well; he's wonderfully trained. Then I just had to have Lil'Lisa and she has caused her own trouble around here (still poops in the floor at times). My 4th child was Hannah and in many, many ways is still the easiest of them all, even though, by the end of the night I wish I was a drinker so I could calm my nerves with some wine or beer or vodka - yeah, that's it, straight up vodka should do the trick. Since I can't drink, I'll just stick to prescription medications. If only I could find a Doctor to prescribe me the good stuff!
Edited to Add: It's not that he used my towel, it's that he threw it on the floor, walked on it, and left it there. It was a fresh towel and now it's dirty. Also, if I had to use his toothbrush, I would. But if there are two in the holder, just use your own - that's what it's there for. After 7yrs of marriage, does he really not know that we have separate towels and toothbrushes? Really? The level of clueless amazes me sometimes and really makes me laugh. Not that I don't have my clueless times - I'm sure I drive him bananas too.
Also, after living here for 2yrs, you would think he could remember where we keep the soup bowls so he doesn't have to ask me every time he makes soup. I think he just enjoys pestering me. He KNOWS where the bowls are. ;)
Love ya, Babe! Really, I do. :)p