First, A little background:
Last year, the press criticized the play of the Oklahome State College quarterback. His coach went on record defending him and telling the press to lay off. During a famous press conference, the coach said, "if you want to pick on someone, don't pick on a kid, pick on me; I'm a man - I'm 40!" Dan thought this was hilarious and had recently turned 30. So, he began saying "I'm a man, I'm 30!" He would say this during any argument. Hannah heard this once and picked up on it. She will say it randomly at times, out of nowhere. It's been weeks/months now since we heard this from her.
Well, lately she has developed quite a little attitude with me and will wrinkle her nose and start to get bossy with me. She is also fighting nap/bedtime lately. Last night, I was getting fed up and told her in a stern voice to "lay down and close her eyes" while I sat in her chair for a minute (this is our routine). She complied for about 20seconds, then popped up, wrinkled her nose at me and said in her own stern voice, "I'm a man, I'm 30!" It was all I could to not roll on the floor laughing. I collected myself, didn't let her get away with the attitude and then walked out of the room to share with Dan. We laughed for several minutes.
We are amazed every day by what comes out of her little mouth. She is a sponge and will bring things up from weeks/months ago and just knock us on the floor laughing.
She really is the light of our lives!
1 comment:
I'll never forget the time Anna blurted out "You wanna piece of me?" To this day we are wondering where she heard that from.
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