Hannah is being calm today and playing quietly alone so I thought I would download some recent pics. On Friday we went to the park with friends. Hannah and Madeline had a blast together - they are such sweet little BFFs. We had a great morning. I got a headache in the afternoon which followed me all weekend and is still lingering today. That, on top of lack of sleep, led to a rough weekend emotionally for me.
The weekends seem to be the hardest, but I'm not sure why. I usually feel better when Monday rolls around. Maybe it has something to do with Dan being here to pick up the slack so I can let myself feel what ever I want? That makes sense. It's not too bad, though, not like I sit around weeping, just quiet introspection really. But, throughout the bad moments, joyful moments happen that make us laugh. Hannah is a joy!
Here are some pics from our weekend.
First at the Park:
Snack time with Madeline
Big Blue Slide
Really big tunnel slide
Swings with Madeline
Bridge with Madeline: Madeline was VERY concerned that Hannah was putting her head through the bars. She kept holding her back and saying "be careful, don't fall". It was sweet.
On the top of the slides with Evelyn.
Her day with Daddy while Mommy got some much needed rest and headache relief.
Showing Jimbo some love and him returning the love to Hannah.
They have a tight relationship because Hannah lets him have her left overs - like this princess cup filled with left over chocolate milk and a few stray pieces of dinner food. Lil' Lisa was sad she missed out on the action.
Here I am at 29weeks. I am much larger than I was with Hannah at this point. It's strange to big bigger since Eva is smaller and my fluid is low. The little bit of extra weight I had before Eva came along added to the fact that I eat worse now than I did in 2005/06, means a lot of it is just extra fat layers and not really baby. Anyway, Eva is still very active and finally taking advantage of all the room she has in there. She moves from top to bottom and side to side quite often.
P.S. We lost another "birthday fish" this weekend. They were not fed while we were in California and their water got low, so it's no wonder one of them didn't make it. He/she/it had a long life though. Almost a whole year in the Clearfield household! We now have 3 birthday fish, 2 black spotted fish, and sucker fish - who is the mystery culprit that keeps moving the rocks around and knocking over Dory, the fish from Nemo.
those pics are too cute - madelines LOVES hannah. btw - you look great in that picture!
You look beautiful!
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