Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I just heard the whole story from Dan about who all helped him out in the ER and radiology dept yesterday. I only gave credit to Dr. Cheney in my last post, but several ER, radiology, and ortho guys helped out. Maybe some Drs from other specialties as well, I can't remember right now. So, great big thanks to Drs. Cheney, Elliott, Smith, Russell, and DeLucia. There were more, but those names stuck in my head and the others went away...I blame preggy brain on that one. Dan says that DeLucia did the splint itself. Great job on that. It looks great! We can't wait for the cast, though, so that Hannah can color on it. She's excited about it as well.

We really appreciate all the help in getting Dan checked out and splinted and on his way without breaking our bank. You are all the best. We are lucky to know all of you. I wanted to make sure to thank all of you. I know a lot of the wives of the Drs read this blog, so please send thanks to your husbands and be proud of them. They are really great friends!

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