Tuesday, March 17, 2009


We are fighting ants here again. We did this last year too. They are the little black ones. They don't seem to be too smart or organized, just annoying. I put down cinnamon inside the house and then spread granules around the garden outside the front of the house, but they are not deterred. It's freaking Hannah out. It looks like they are coming in under the baseboards under the front windows. I can't ever see them entering, though. Help! I don't want to spray poison in the house, but maybe I should get a spray for the outside. At first they were staying around the front area, but I cleaned the area well, and today they ventured inside and found the dog food. Now I have to keep that picked up most of the day, but the cabinets are next. UGH! Make them go away!


Anonymous said...

What about those little ant traps that have the poison inside them so that hannah can't get to it? You just sit them on the counter or in cabinets, or window sill, wherever the ants go and they go inside the trap and die. That way you don't have dead ants all over the place and you don't have to spray or have open poison out where hannah could get it easily. I don't know that it would stop the ants from coming in, but it would at least help kill them once they get inside.

Ashli said...

Put cornmeal out. They take it back to their home, eat it, but can't digest it and they die. They will also not cross cinnamon. We go through a lot of cinnamon in the summer months...

Jessica said...

Ok, the cinnamon finally seems to be working. I haven't seen any new ones in a couple of hours. Maybe the other ones were already across my barrier and just came out of hiding.