Friday, September 12, 2008

Dublin Irish Festival

We went to the Irish festival as a family last month and I am just now getting around to posting 2 cute videos from the day and a few pictures. When we got to the festival, we were a little bummed about how much it cost to get in and were a little worried about the heat. It seemed at first that there wasn't much to do except spend money on arts/crafts and eat/drink. However, we ran across an Irish band playing live and Hannah had a blast singing along with the songs and clapping her heart out. We also found a arts and crafts area and she a Daddy had a blast coloring and gluing sprinkles onto paper. There was a horse to look at, a pond to peek into and a nice play area for little ones to let out some energy. We a had a blast and really are cherishing the days we have together as a whole family.

Getting ready for the sun:
Trying to step into the water to be with the fish:
Arts and crafts with Daddy:
A really big "wee":

Singing, dancing and clapping:

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