Monday, September 1, 2008

A few Hannah funnies

Yesterday, I was telling Hannah to put her spoon back on the counter rather than throwing it on the floor. I told her, "Hannah pick up that spoon and put it on the counter". She picked it up and threw it again. I told her again. She looked at me and said, "I time out". I said, "no, you don't get to pick time out, you have to follow Mommy's rules." She rolled her eyes at me and put the spoon on the counter. Such attitude at 2!

We keep finding her with things she shouldn't have, things that we put out of her reach. We discovered how she is getting all of these things today. She has learned to move her little step stool around to reach just about anything she wants. Her latest find was an entire bag of tortilla chips that she was carrying around living room and sharing with the pups. They love her new trick!

My car safety obsession is rubbing off on her. On the way home from the zoo Dan got into the back seat with her to help her eat her lunch. She said, "Daddy sit right here". Then, "Daddy buckle up!". I LOVE it!

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